It has been a little over 6 years now since I first got to know cheerleading in 2003. In fact my first Nationals Finals was on 07 March 2004; 6 years anniversary in 2 days' time. I feel that to me having growth is the most important thing in life, and it applies to cheerleading as well.
A simplified summary of my time in cheerleading:
2003 - 2004: Purely a player for Hall 4 and ACES
2004 - 2007: Mainly a player for ACES and coach of Hall 4
2007 - 2008: Player/Coach of ACES and coach of Hall 4
2008 - 2009: Ad-Hoc coaching and guest instructor for Wildcards
2010 - present : Judge for NTU HO Cheerleading and to be determined.
Everyone in cheer starts off pretty much the same, as a player, then slowly learn the ropes and take on a bit more responsibilities as a captain or committee member. While alot of people might just end here, there are also those who carried on their growth in cheer, to become a instructor, a coach or just a senior mentor. Next, they will become judges and then/or at the same time go into management and promoting of the sport on a macro level.
The above is just a typical example, or 1 close to mine. Growth to me is very important in whatever I do, I do not like the feeling of being stagnant. I do not want to be only a player all my life, I want to look for new challenges. Not everyone's path or route taken are the same, in fact most will be so different (We can know that from a simple afternoon sharing session - everyone has different stories). However I believe and hope that more people can go beyond the stage of just being a player, or for those who felt that their player's years are over to move on, to contribute back to Singapore Cheerleading in many other ways.
I believe that most cheerleaders can agree with me that cheerleading changed their lives in more ways than 1. Most would have treasured the times they had in cheer, despite of all the hectic schedules, injuries, sacrifices and grievances. It will forever become a deep part of their memories in life. Now if we did enjoyed our time and appreciate what cheer had done for us; I feel that it will be very nice if we can return the favour and spread the joy to many new and future generations of cheerleaders, so that they can get to experience the many positives cheerleading has done for us too.
Today is the 5th again, 05 March 2010. It marks 3 years and 7 months since the beginning of X-Wonder. Today I am going to start a new project, as a form of contribution to Singapore Cheerleading, and also hoping that I will be able to drive and promote the sport, even if it is just a little more.
I rememebered us ACES old seniors used to dream of having an ACES scholarship for studying in NTU and Chaang had this similar vision to provide a scholarship for cheerleaders in Singapore. I do not have such deep pockets now, to help relieve people of their financial burdens, but I think I have enough to provide some encouragement or a pat on the back for those who want it most.
Ok, enough of beating around the bush, here it goes:
X-Wonder Video of the Month Challenge
Details of challenge: Record/make/create a personal video of minimum 10 Secs; of anything related to cheerleading with yourself in it. It can be Gymnastics, Partner stunts, Jumps, Tosses, Cheer, Pyramids etc. You can also do video edits to add music or effects to enhance it. Then upload the video to facebook and tag me (Xwonder Estrella) in the video; it will be automatically be considered as an entry for the challenge. I will watch and review all entries, then at the end of each month, on every 5th, I will announce the winner on this blog (my decision is final).
Participant's eligibility: You are eligible as long as you cheer in Singapore; regardless of nationality, team, age, or gender. Of course you need to be on Facebook and is my friend to tag me. No tagging of entries on behalf of another person in the video allowed. If you are not yet my friend on Facebook, just add me using the link at top of the page. Only people present in the video can tag me to be considered a "valid tag"
Prizes: $50 cash to the winner each month. In cases of more than 1 person in the video, the prize will be given to the person who tagged me (then you can go split it on your own if you want to). Or in the case of multiple "valid tags", the prize will be split. In the event there is no entry for the month, the prize money will accumulate and be brought over to the next month. Prize money is subjected to increase at any time without notice.
Alright, Sounds simple enough? Should be. You guys are already doing this, only now someone wants to give you money for it. Does this sound good? Is it enough?
Ok, Since I am very happy today as it is TGIF and also my "monthsary", I shall offer a first month only promotion: All entries made before 14 March, 2359hrs will receive double the prize, a prize of $100, should they become the winning entry.
So don't wait anymore and let the camera roll.
P.S: Let's do our part to make cheer a better place in SG
The Business Times
6 years ago
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