Friday, December 30, 2011
4th entry for January'12 VoM
Saturday, December 24, 2011
3rd entry for January'12 VoM
Monday, December 19, 2011
2nd entry for January'12 VoM
Monday, December 12, 2011
BPoM 7th entry for January'12
To read more about Team Lions journey, go to the links at the bottom of the post. Meanwhile I shall leave you all with a little something from the post:
"Yes, the world is not united in terms of cheerleading governance, but FCS will work hard to make sure that this will not happen in Singapore. We want every cheerleader to be able to train passionately, without needing to care about what’s going on in international cheer scene. " - FCS
Check out the post by FCS and tagged by Ochi: 7th BPoM January entry or here
Sunday, December 11, 2011
1st entry for January'12 VoM
Saturday, December 10, 2011
BPoM 6th entry for January'12
It is a really nice gesture by the management team to have a bonding session together with the players to understand and find out more about their feedbacks and concerns. Every team should have their own sessions like this once in a while to build closer ties between players and coaches.
Check out the post by Jaslyn and tagged by Ochi: 6th BPoM January entry or here
BPoM 5th entry for January'12
This time round is an exchange with Denvers. Check it out.
Check out the post by I<3Cheerleading and tagged by Ochi: 5th BPoM January entry or here
BPoM 4th entry for January'12
This month entries were literally flooded by tags from Ochi on Wildcards exchanges. It was really very nice to see Wildcards sharing their wealth of experience as champions with many other teams, giving their share back to the cheerleading community.
See below for more highlights of their exchange with KR Steppers.
Check out the post by Yvonne and tagged by Ochi: 4th BPoM January entry or here
BPoM 3rd entry for January'12
Check out the post below for more photos and highlights.
Check out the post by MrsPotato and tagged by Ochi: 3rd BPoM January entry or here
BPoM 2nd entry for January'12
Just short word from the Gary:
"On the behalf of every member of Wildcards, I would like to thank Grizzlers for their amazing hospitality and I do hope that both teams had an enriching experience. As it is our first exchange between the teams, I believe that everyone had a lot of fun as well as got to know more people." - Gary
It is always great to have exchanges amongst the different teams; you get to share experiences, knowledge and make lasting friendships
Check out the post by Gary and tagged by Ochi: 2nd BPoM January entry or here
BPoM 1st entry for January'12
At the end of the post, Andrew left us with some pointers. You can check out the post itself and find out about them. The 1 that I liked the most would be;
"SPEED!!!! SPEED OVER STRENGTH! Really. Common misconception of tossing, is to 'CHARGE, CHARGE, CHARGE' which is totally WRONG WRONG WRONG!
Its about how fast you're able to toss your partner up in the air using her jump (Bursting and not Charging Jump)." - Andrew
Check out the post by Andrew tagged by Ochi: 1st BPoM January entry or here
Monday, December 5, 2011
Video of the Month December '11
1. Video by Wenjie
2. Video by Fairul
Once again I thank everyone who had supported VoM; for the winner of the VoM December'11, we have.......
The video by Wenjie; a video to celebrate the wedding of YQ and BB; a compilation of all the wishes from cheerleaders and footages of their cheerleading photoshoot.
Definitely a cheerleader's dream wedding come true for them, sweetened by this amazing video done by Wenjie.
Wenjie you won yourself $50.
Continue to support VoM.
Blog Post of the Month December '11
Ok so as there are no BPoM entries for the December'11. As such, as usual, the prize will be rolled over to January'12 BPoM.
Let's get those entries in before 5th Janurary 2012 and stand to win $100 next month!! (currently the only entries are from Ochi, will update soon; if you think you can do better than him, submit your entries now!)
For those new to BPoM, pls refer to this link: How to make $50 and more just by blogging!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Prize Presentation for VoM Nov'11 Winner

For those new to VoM, pls refer to this link: Video record, upload and tag to win $50 and more
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Prize Presentation for VoM October'11 Winner

Taken together with the SP boys in CWC.
For those new to VoM, pls refer to this link: Video record, upload and tag to win $50 and more
Saturday, November 12, 2011
2nd entry for December'11 VoM
1st entry for December'11 VoM
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Video of the Month November '11
1. Video by Clement tagged by Hann Bin
2. Video by Yirong
3. Video by Mun Chun
4. Video by Jiahui
5. Video by Jimmy and tagged by Wenjie
6. Video by Chew Long
7. Video by Ruth
8. Video by Jiahui
9. Video by Chew Long
A total of 9 entries in all and many really great videos. Once again you all had given me a hard time to choose the winner. Pardon me again if I kept you guys waiting for the winner of VoM November.
And so for the winner of the VoM November'11, we have.......
The video by Yirong on "Join Cheer".
Great job Yirong for reposting this up and to Spectrum for creating this video. A fantastic video to give a little glimpse of what cheerleading is about, with interviews by the captain and vice captain of Hall 13 Cheerleading Spectrum. To me cheerleading is all that was said in the video and much much more than words can ever describe. If you want to know what I mean, Join Cheer!!
Yirong you won yourself $50.
Continue to support VoM.
For those new to VoM, pls refer to this link: Video record, upload and tag to win $50 and more
Blog Post of the Month November'11
1. Blogged by Chew Long
2. Blogged by Li Jing and tagged by Chew Long
3. Blogged by Hann Bin
The winner for BPoM Nov'11 goes to the post titled,"My Journey thus far..", written by Hann Bin! Congratulations Hann Bin, you have won yourself the prize of $50.
Hann Bin's Blog Post: My Journey thus far..
Comments by Chaang:
"Main take aways from hb's entry:
1) Putting your thoughts onto paper: Hb has actively documented his progress and he knows that he is on the right track. Just like how you would track your progress in the gym, you should pen down your progress in cheerleading as well. If you can hit a toss to hands in 3 trainings, good for you! But if you are still doing only a toss to hands after 30 trainings, something is wrong. By this time you should already be hitting toss extensions. We have to understand that the era of "old school cheerleading" is long over. You no longer have to do 7587567475486 elevator pops, 5865856467467 toe touches or 579587586586586 arm motions before you can do a toss hands. That does not make sense!
I like to define "old school cheerleading" as the era before 2008 (Singapore's context). Come this era of 2011, progress should be much faster. We are in a new era! It took me 4 years before I could do a decent cupie for example. With the amount of expertise and help available in the local scene nowadays, new cheerleaders should be aiming to reach their seniors' level in half the time their seniors took! If this is not happening, something is very very wrong!
And, please do not for once think that partner stunts is not important. If you are really a cheerleader, partner stunts is one component you MUST be able to do. (regardless of whether you are a base or flyer). We are in a new era. Extensions, liberties and cupies are honestly - basic stunts.
2) HB's 7 points to his success: Again, give and you shall receive. It is always through giving that you will discover something else extra in the process. There is no short cut to success, but neither should you take forever to reach the top. HB has shared what worked for him It may or may not work for you, but if you do not see any light in your own development now, you really should consider trying his methods.
Congratulations once again to Hann Bin for winning $50
For those new to BPoM, pls refer to this link: How to make $50 and more just by blogging!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
BPoM September'11 Prize Presentation

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
9th entry for November'11 VoM
Sunday, October 30, 2011
8th entry for November'11 VoM
7th entry for November'11 VoM
Saturday, October 29, 2011
6th entry for November'11 VoM
5th entry for November'11 VoM
Friday, October 28, 2011
BPoM 3rd entry for November'11
It is also very important to remember and be grateful and thankful to people who helped you along the way. Hann Bin specially thanked Winston for getting him to find his new passion, thanked Chaang for being the great coach he is and Gary for being his mentor in partner stunting.
And in a mere over 1 year, Hann Bin had achieved what many would have took years to accomplish; really elite stunts such as rewinds, tick tock full around, pop overs and many many more.
Hann Bin also shared 7 very crucial secrets of his success which he adhere to always. Number 1 secret:
"Try not to place someone as your aim for you will lose focus in your training, instead find the reason that drives you beyond that person for example, to be the very best, to be a national champion etc. This intrinsic motivation will drive you through your hardest times. Let me quote you an example, with Gary recent success in weight loss, we can see that Gary clearly had a goal and that was to go Kentucky and tumble, we don’t see him aiming to be as skinny as the person he see on the road."
Hann Bin
Check out Hann Bin's post below and find out about the other 6 secrets of successes are.
Check out the post by Hann Bin: 3rd BPoM November entry or here
Thursday, October 27, 2011
BPoM 2nd entry for November'11
The speech starts off by encouraging everyone in Alpha to take part in Sports Award Performance, the benefits that a performance can bring to them. Then it continues to present the reality of cheerleading, that cheerleading is not only about having fun and being happy all the time, but it is in fact also a very tough sport. And at the end of the day, we all train for a target which is the Nationals. If you want to be good in cheerleading, heavy commitment is required. If you commit to cheerleading enough, cheerleading will also commit to you and make you a better cheerleader.
Just short excerpt from the post:
"Honestly speaking, cheerleading is a tough sports. It is not always about hitting the stunts and making yourselves happy. More importantly, it is about how you are going to adjust and cheer yourselves and your teammates up when the stunts keep failing, and in the end, hit them. This fighting spirit makes cheerleading so fun and enjoyable." - Li Jing
And also mentioned in the post are the welfare and encouragment packages implemented by the team. I feel this is also very important aspect for every cheerleading team. It is not always only about the sport itself, but also about the interaction of people and the welfare and support for everyone.
Check out the post by Li Jing and tagged by Chew Long: 2nd BPoM November entry or here
BPoM 1st entry for November'11
A great post by Chew Long with many specific examples given. Cheerleaders should not let another cheerleader pay for their mistake. Everyone, flyers and bases should do their part well. Flyers trust the bases with their lives so bases got to do the right thing and make the flyer feel confident in stunting; bases put their bodies in the "firing line" to make sure flyers are safe so flyers should also do their job properly. Self accountability is what Chew Long is refering to.
"Keep an open mind because everyone in this team is still learning and remember that we are learning TOGETHER. " - Chew Long
Chew Long, it is never naggy to explain the importance of safety. In fact saftey should be a point drilled into everyone's head every single day.
Check out the post by Chew Long: 1st BPoM November entry or here
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
4th entry for November'11 VoM
Monday, October 24, 2011
3rd entry for November'11 VoM
Sunday, October 23, 2011
2nd entry for November'11 VoM
Saturday, October 22, 2011
1st entry for November'11 VoM
Thursday, October 20, 2011
One of the rare post
On this (some would say emo) night drinking a glass of liquer, which I wanted but had't done for some time, just chilling and relaxing, I had this sudden urge to go to my videos on FB and re-watched them again. First thought that came into my head was, "wow I was quite slim (relatively) back then". Then (only last year) I could still do gymnastics pretty ok for a person who just started proper learning after 23. Then as I continued to watch, I realised that my stunting abilities are pretty awesome I would say (I did not think so back then, but compared to now I really feel I was awesome then), for being able to complete that gruelling 1 min PS routine for Nationals. haha.
Fast forward back to reality from the videos, everything seems to be just slipping away from me. The more I tried to do more and more and more, the less and less and less I seemed to achieve. I had been listening to audio cds in my drive these days (Ken lent me), and I gathered that it was because I had been trying to do too many and lose focus and result on even the best thing I can do. Few people actually knows everything that I had been doing in my life, not even my mother. Some people knows a part of the things that I am doing and some people knows another part of the things that I am doing; but no one knows fully everything that I had been up to; except Xuewei and probably maybe Ken. Even so each of these groups of people are already asking me how is it possible that I can do all these, am I crazy or what; when non of them even know half of everything that I had been doing. Just checking over 10 different emails accounts, more than 3 FB accounts and a few other twitter accounts a day etc is already alot of work and it does not end there. (That's as far as I will try to get an idea across of the various stuff that had been keeping me busy). And most people often forgot that I am still have a full time profession as an ENGINEER (which I really hated it to be honest)!!
Those who knows me from cheer probably knows I am coaching Alpha, coaching Hall 5, training with Astros, author of XWonder blog, sponsor and partner of VoM and BPoM, with the occasional visit to ACES and Wildcards. Those who knows me from my drive to achieve financial freedom, so that I can give back much more to cheerleading, will probably know me doing few different high yielding investments, doing a couple of business for people and also trying to set up a few of my own. Those who know me from my full time job as an engineer will probably thinks that I am moonlighting outside of work at night as I always dose off at work (the boring-est time of my day). There are also some who know me just as friends, outside of all these and I always feel calm and relax when I am with them, just chilling, but most times rushing to chill then rushing off again.
Pardon me for my grumbling or rubbish, but this is my blog right? I can write anything I want and I am not always full of positivity; I have my downs alot too just that no one sees them often. But anyway there won't be much of these posts too, just one of the rare post I do once in a blue moon so that I can look back in future to remember the phase and state of my mind I am in then.
You know during my time on cruise and at Jiang Nan this June, was just about the longest I had been away from cheerleading since 2004. And I mean really doing nothing related to cheer at all, there were no reception and stuff on the cruise, I cannot even FB in China. Even during my days of rushing for FYP, I still had the occasional "video appreciation" and some stunting seasions once in a while. So after that 2 weeks of complete break, and I came back to Singapore, I felt like a totally different person. It just feels like I have lost touched with cheerleading, or cheerleading had lost touched with me; cheerleading simply moved on without my pressence and the world continued to spin. The feeling is quite "zen". For the next few weeks I was back, I simply felt that I seemed to have lost my passion for cheer. I do not know how to describe the feeling, but it was just emptiness. I realised I could actually survived without cheer...
After that trip, I began to ask myself all sorts of questions about my relationship with cheer, as I continued with my life taking on more and more stuff; took up Hall 5 coaching and another business (for those of you who rememebered I bought Optimus Prime in China, and even tried to do a online business selling transformers, hahaha, I just laugh at the thought of that stupid idea. I still have 1 Jetwing Optimus Prime Mint in Sealed Box, MISB, for sale if any one interested though. lol). I thought I was challenging myself back then, I thought I was trying to get out of my comfort zone, in doing and taking up more, but now I finally realised that the opposite is true. I was trying to give myself a way out, I was giving myself the excuse to fail. It's more like, "ok if this fails, I still have another to fall back on". I did took up more and more, I thought I was challenging myself, but even as I am typing now, it just makes more and more sense that I am actually trying to avoid some issues and finding ways out, giving myself "safety nets" which are not even that "safe" at all. Do you have this feeling before that sometimes having so much things waiting for you to do that you don't know where to start and end up feeling too overwhelmed and simply stop doing anything at all? This is what is happening to me more frequently recently. I guess I am running out of stamina.
I am sure most heard of the phrase, "Jack of all trades, Master of ___??". You all know the answer, fill in the blank yourself. Focus Focus Focus. Focus on 1 thing at a time and not screwing yourself up by taking so many. Even if you were a master at each of them, adding them all up and try doing them all at a time still F***s you up big time. Just imagine kicking a ball and holding a cupie at the same time; no matter how good a soccer player you are or how great a cheerleader you are, you are never going to make it far this way. I guess it is definitely great to have multiple streams of income, but which is better - a couple streams of HUGE income, or multiple multiple multiple streams of small income?? Food for thought myself. This post is mainly for me, for me to just rumble about stuff and it certainly helps. It clears up my mind and reaffirms certain concepts as well as rid of some misleading ones. Writing is indeed a very good form of therapy and it is free. It allows me to see myself clearer and gives this very recharging feeling to me. It seems that I had left all my worries into these words and start to feel lighter again.
I guess I started off writing these feeling all emo and down, but now at the end of this post, I am actually feeling great and positive again. I may have gone through alot more problems than some people, but all these are great learning (I hope you can gain something from this sharing too). In fact I know that I had a great mindset, I had been able to position myself far better off than most average; I just need to sort out some thoughts, find my clarity and intentions back on track and I am ready to charge forward again.
Now I know what I need to do, everything is clear once again. Focus!
P.S: I want to thank Ken for helping me find my clarity again, for giving me that "ah ha" moment I was looking for again. I know you are often frustrated by me, for bothering you and for not letting you go home that night till I find my answer. Thanks again my "brother", you know what I mean. =)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Video of the Month October '11
1. Video by Chaang and tagged by Ochi
2. Video by Zhaoming
3. Video by Yuen Bo and tagged by Ruth
4. Video by Poh Kang and tagged by Fairul
Once again I thank everyone who had supported VoM. And sorry for the delay so let's not be kept waiting anymore; for the winner of the VoM October'11, we have.......
The video by Poh Kang and tagged by Fairul; a unique, fun, and extremely entertaining video, not fogetting the advance stunts done in the video without batting an eyelid.
Great great stuff there shown by SP Gusto and presented to everyone in a light hearted and fun way.
Poh Kang and Fairul you won yourselves $50.
Continue to support VoM.
Prize Presentation for VoM August'11 Winner

And I just cannot help but post a picture of Gary when he hit the Hands to Hands pop to Liberty which won him VoM August'11, just in case you guys forgotten how he looked like back then.

Blog Post of the Month October'11
1. Blogged by Gary
2. Blogged by Clement and tagged by Ochi
3. Blogged by Winston and tagged by Ochi
The winner for BPoM Oct'11 goes to the post titled,"There Is Nothing You Cannot do!", written by Gary! Congratulations Gary for winning BPoM for the 2nd time. Gary, you have won yourself the total prize of $50. (Gary had also recently won VoM; goes to show that if you put in the effort, there are definitely the chance to make significant sum of money to aid your quest in pursuing cheerleading)
Gary's Blog Post: There Is Nothing You Cannot do!
Comments by Chaang:
"Gary has touched on a few key points
1) Finding his source of motivation - For Gary, going to Kentucky slim and fit was his objective.Everybody has their own source of motivation. Find your own source of motivation, and make it happen! And always set a deadline for yourself!!
2) Admitting to his own flaws - ''However, if you want to start doing this, you NEED to recognize that YOU ARE FAT. If someone says you are fat and you say that you are big boned, you are totally lying to yourself. If someone says you are heavy and you say that you are big-size, you are making excuses. Stop living in denial!'' - self explanatory.
3) Stop procrastinating - Gary decided on 29/07/11 that he will lose weight, and he did just that. No complicated stories. No excuses. He just drafted a plan, and followed it. It is as simple as that.
On a side note, I need to stress again that BOTH WINNING AND THE PROCESS OF WINNING IS IMPORTANT! For Gary, it is a ''sweet victory'' for him as he has achieved what he has set for himself to do, and victory is sweet because he has worked so hard for it (the process) and it has produced results (weight loss)! There is no value in winning without knowing the value of your victory, or going through all the blood and sweat only to realize you did not succeed. Everybody plays to win. So stop trying to be politically correct and start being honest to yourself.
I always believe nobody will ever plan to fail, but besides failing to plan; failing to execute will also lead to anybody's downfall."
Congratulations once again to Gary for winning $50
For those new to BPoM, pls refer to this link: How to make $50 and more just by blogging!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
4th entry for October'11 VoM
3rd entry for October'11 VoM
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
2nd entry for October'11 VoM
1st entry for October'11 VoM
Monday, September 19, 2011
BPoM 3rd entry for October'11
by Winston and tagged by Ochi.
Alright this month we have alot of post on weight issues, we have post about weight losing, post about weight gaining and now we have a post on attaining the ideal weight. Weight is just a figure, but end of the day, it is your fitness that matters. You can be light but full of fats, or you can be heavy but full of muscles; so weight is just a gauge, but end of the day it is still down to your fitness and ability.
"The first step is to identify your goals and the next step is to plan how to achieve it. Yet, the most important step is putting your plan into action and rewarding yourself as you go about achieving one milestone after another." - Winston
Check out the post by Winston and tagged by Ochi: 3rd BPoM October entry or here
Saturday, September 17, 2011
BPoM 2nd entry for October'11
1 thing similar that you notice in losing weight and gaining weight is the diet and the lifestyle. In order to be successful in either, it definitely takes a change in lifestyle. Though from my experience; gaining weight from 70 to 90 and then losing weight from 90 back to 70 and then gaining back to 90 again, losing weight takes more self discipline.
You can see that I went through cycles of losing weight and gaining weight a couple of times. It depends on what you want, at 70, I can do a FHSROBT, and at 90 I can do a Fullup Cupie. I am not saying it is not possible to do both, what I am saying is it often takes some adjustments here and there to your weight to find the optimum number for yourself. By now everyone should know the importance of strength in cheerleading, and the correlation with weight.
“How it Helped -
-Because of the constant gymming, my muscles have thickened and grown abit bigger and that alone can enable me to take more weight as a main base or even as a shoulder stunt.
-Gymming alone has also built up my core and thus i'm able to control my stunts more easily compared to the past.
-I feel that as a bigger base, your flyers will also feel more secure when stunting with you.
-I could also fight for my stunts with all the change in my mass and strength.
-MOST IMPORTANTLY, With a bigger mass, it's easier for a base to hold your ground and not dancing around the mats when doing a stunt!” – Clement
Check out the post by Clement and tagged by Ochi: 2nd BPoM October entry or here
Thursday, September 15, 2011
BPoM 1st entry for October'11
The post sums up the motivation behind Gary's drive to lose weight, how he got started, the workout he did and the nutrition he stick to. The main key to losing weight is to get started. This is the most important ingredient I feel, as people tend to procrastinate. I know Gary since 2008, and throughout this period, on a few separate occasions he told me he was going to lose weight, but each time he din see much results. It was only this last 2 months that he really got to doing it; with the right mentality, strong motivation (doing a layout full in Kentucky), and proper actions he finally did it.
"I just want to show people that this can be done by determination, dedication and willpower and all of these just comes down to nothing but hard work. The most important part is “How badly do you want to do this?”
" - Gary
Check out the post by Gary: 1st BPoM October entry or here
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
BPoM August'11 Prize Presentation

Prize presentation courtesy of Chaang
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
SEPT - What you want?
DO you know what you want?
This month sharing will be very simple.
Let’s say today, you are my best buddy, we share all secrets. I told you that I’ve hidden my greatest treasure in one of the red houses in Singapore, and I would like you to have it. And then I passed away 3 days later.
Do you think you would be able to find this treasure?
Some say yes, some say no and some say maybe. All answers are right.
If you say NO. Yes, you are right. It is really difficult to search for a red house in Singapore. Singapore is not big, but it is not that small to be able to find a red house that easily.
If you say MAYBE. Yes, you are right. You might be able to find it; you might not be able to find it.
If you say YES. Yes, you might be able to find the treasure if you work hard enough to search for the treasure.
But, Is there an easier way? Let’s say 2 days before I die, I told you that the red house is actually at a specific street and I gave you the unit no. Would you be able to find it? YES OF COURSE! Its specific and it’s clear. You would DEFINITELY be able to find it. Just switch on your GPS using your smart phone, travel there, and you got it.
Then what’s the morale of the story?
If today, you set your goal right, so specific and so clear, do you think you would be able to achieve your goal more likely?
When I first enrolled into Temasek Poly, I did not know that a cheerleading team existed in TP. I really wanted to do cheerleading so much, and I was really sad, and I thought that I would not have a chance to have cheerleading as a CCA. During the 2nd week of the school, I happened to chance by the CCA sport board, and to my surprise, I saw the TP Blazers board. Without hesitation, I took the captain’s card, Frances and drop her a text and enquire her regarding when’s the training. And my cheerleading path has exploded since then. Until recently that I’ve decided to take a step down and allow the younger generation to grow.
If I wasn’t clear that I wanted to do cheerleading, I probably wouldn’t have taken the card back then. Or maybe I will take the card but hesitated and ended up in other CCA or worst, CCA-less.
What I want to share is that, it is important to have a clear direction and a goal. These are like your car’s head lights during the dark night. You could only see the 2m before you, but you know and you know that you are definitely moving towards your destination. Because you have already set your direction and your goal.
Today, do you know what you want from cheeleading? At the end of your cheerleading path, what do you want to have? A lot of cheerleader out there, they do not know what they want, they just follow the flow. Their friends do cheerleading, that’s why they do cheerleading. And at the end of their life, they are forever following.
If you do not know what you want from cheerleading yet, I sincerely encourage you to give a thought about it. If after thinking, you still do not know what you want, it’s probably time to have a change of path.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Video of the Month September'11
1. Video by Michelle and tagged by Fairul
2. Video by Li Jing
3. Video by Chaang and tagged by Ochi
4. Video by Alice
So which of the 4 entries is the winner of the VoM September'11.......?
And the winner is the video by Li Jing on cheerleading in Alpha Verve.
Congratulations Li Jing for a wonderful video done. You not only shown talent on the mats by off it as well. It is Alpha Verve's fortune to have you on the team.
Li Jing you won yourselves $50
For those new to VoM, pls refer to this link: Video record, upload and tag to win $50 and more
Blog Post of the Month September'11
1. Blogged by Tina and tagged by Lek Yuan
2. Blogged by Tze Swen
3. Blogged by Rachel and tagged by Ochi
Alright this time we are on time to post the winner for BPoM Sept'11, and it goes to non other than the post by Tze Swen,"Right. Wrong.". Congratulations Tze Swen for the post, and it is also the first time you are taking part, you have won yourself the total prize of $50 and a 5 lbs bottle of protein powder.
Tze Swen's Blog Post: Right. Wrong.
Comments by Chaang:
"Tze Swen’s efforts pretty much remind me of myself when I first took over Hall 13 in 2005 as their coach. I remembered myself knocking on every single door in hall 13 asking residents to join. I can totally understand what it is like to assemble a team to prepare for the new season. People as driven as Tze Swen is what local sg cheerleading needs. We need people to be driven, focused and are able to lead by example. Everybody has eyes. As long as you have genuine intentions, ppl will appreciate you and will aid you in your cause.
Both winning and the process of winning matters. To win is to have a goal, because passion without direction will amount out to nothing. And the process of achieving that goal is what makes you appreciate your fruits of labour. Nobody said it will be easy, but once you bring your team to the top of the mountain your team will appreciate the thick and thin they have been through together."
Congratulations once again to Tze Swen for winning $50 and a 5 lbs bottle of protein powder
For those new to BPoM, pls refer to this link: How to make $50 and more just by blogging!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
BPoM 3rd entry for September'11
This post is about Rachel's first impression of WCT before she joined, and then her impression of WCT after. The post also touched on some key reasons and people that helped her made up her mind to join WCT.
Some points to take away from her post,
- Never judge a team based on appearances on the outside or rumours. The only way to know a team is really to get to know the members well and take part in their trainings for a certain period of time.
- Always continue to learn, so that you can share with even more people; and in Rachel's case to be able to help her parent team which is Gusto.
- Lastly always be opened to new opportunities, for you never know where they will take you. Rachel trying out to be top flyer for the first time is a big step out of her comfort zone for her too; but when the opportunity comes along, grab it for it might not come twice.
I think Rachel had indeed made a very good decision, the decision to continue to cheer, and at a place most suited for her. For me because I know how tough it is for me to continue to be involved in cheerleading, the sacrifices that I have to make and the critism I faced from some people outside of cheerleading. Therefore I will ask every cheerleader to cherish their opportunity, the opportunity to continue to cheer. Do not give up or retire from cheer that easily if cheer is what you love. I always feel sad when I see people giving up cheerleading because of what life throws at them. There is always a way, and I hope I can provide the answer and the way for every cheerleader in future. For those who can still cheer hard now, treasure it and not take it for granted. I apologise if I digress a little from the main point.
Ok, back to the post and Rachel. Rachel, I think I first met you sometime in 2009 and then again in 2010 when I went down to Gusto. I believe back then, we both would not know where you will be 1-2 years later, that you would have won the overall champion at SNCC 2011 and that you will be joining WCT. You have indeed improved and grown tremendously since then (back then I remembered you were already very happy with doing just a toss cupie), and I wish you all the best in your endeavours with WCT in the coming years and become a even greater flyer. May your passion for cheerleading continue to grow inside you.
Check out the post by Rachel and tagged by Ochi: 3rd BPoM September entry or here
Sunday, August 28, 2011
BPoM 2nd entry for September'11
"One year ago, I put my name on the sign-up sheet for Cheer Clinic because the other guys in my OG also did the same. We did it so that the cheerleaders will stop pestering us. Of course I didnt have the intention to turn up at the clinic at all. And I really didnt go."
How many of you cheerleaders had this exact same experience as Tze Swen? I personally had a almost similar experience, one that I was very reluctant to join cheerleading, and half "scammed" in, half "doing a favour" for my then neighbour, and my first ever mentor in cheerleading Calvin Teo.
You never know where life will take you sometimes, but I have to say from my experience, take all opportunity that comes to you, be a "yes" man, always say yes if possible and you never know when the next decision you make will become your destiny.
Some fantastic quotes from the post,
“I joined cheer to help cheer initially. But after some time, I realise the people are nice and it was the family feel in cheer that made me stay and continue to fight with everyone! Without the family feel, I would have stopped cheering.. ><” – Ser Kun
“As a freshie, I wanna join cheer because Im looking for a family. People that can support me, encourage me and never lose faith in me. And as a freshie, I was hoping to find that in cheer” – Indora
“I join cos cheer made me realise that I dont need wings to fly! (: But it’s the people who made me stay on!” – Hui Wei
“The company of fellow cheerleaders, the blood sweat and tears we have been through and lastly, the joy of hitting stunts!” – Jia Da
“You only live once, I want to live life to the fullest by giving new things a chance” – Sze Jie
“Its a place where everything is possible!” – Derrick Ong
“I dont really cheer to win one la. Its you guys =) ” – Ronald
If you are already a cheerleader or comtemplating whether or not to join cheerleading; do not ask what cheerleading can give to you, instead ask what you can give to cheerleading in future, when you make that all important decision.
Check out the post by Tze Swen: 2nd BPoM September entry or here
Saturday, August 27, 2011
4th entry for September'11 VoM
3rd entry for September'11 VoM
The video once again showed the importance of physical fitness, strength in cheerleading. It not only allows you to stunt better, it also prevents injuries to yourself and also to the flyers stunting with you. I am too a huge believer of physical abilities when it comes to cheerleading; if we say cheerleading is a sport, lets all have a go at it as a sport and people will respect you as a sportsperson.
BPoM 1st entry for September'11
So as what the blog post intended, it is to remind people that cheerleading is very much a dedicated and tough sport, with risk no less than contact football. A very well written post with good videos and illustration to bring this point across as well, not just to the general public I feel, but also more for those new cheerleaders who might still have that lingering doubts in their minds, and also a timely reminder to all cheerleaders to be proud of themselves.
"the bottom line is,
cheerleaders be proud as a cheerleader and cheer while you still can." - Tina
Check out the post by Tina and tagged by Lek Yuan: 1st BPoM September entry or here
2nd entry for September'11 VoM
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Final Prize Presentation for VoM April'11 Winner
Saturday, August 20, 2011
1st entry for September'11 VoM
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Prize Presentation for VoM March'11 Winner
Monday, August 15, 2011
I remember that when I was much ‘younger’ in Cheerleading, I was told that if I ever want to be a champion, I need to behave like a champion. Train like a champion, eat like a champion, sleep like a champion, talk like a champion and think like a champion. I’ve seen many individuals attend training without fail, give full participation during training, and most importantly, hit the gym 7 times a week. Many of them followed this idea yet the result did not turn out as desired. And since then, they fell into the pit of doubts and negativity.
What went wrong exactly? I thought I was told that if I just behave like a champion, I would be one too?
The problem actually lies in ‘think like a champion’. Many inspired to be one, but most failed because they do not have the proper mindset to be one. We go online and search for all the things champions would do and follow them closely, but how many of us actually put in time and effort to research about their ‘thinking’?
You need to first be who you want to be, then do what you need to do to be who you want to be and then finally, you can have what you want to have. You realized that it is not
Maybe the following ‘formula’ would be a better illustration of this BE-DO-HAVE concept.
Our thoughts give birth to actions which determine our results.
If you want to be a champion, you need to first think like a champion. You must THINK like a champion then you can go on to proceed to behave like a champion. I believe all champions have gone through hellish training and discipline to be one. If you do not have the mentality of champion such as perseverance, endurance, discipline and etc. Do you think you can survive the training in the first place?
Donald Trumph said this in his book.
“Play to win. People only likes winner”
A lot of people did not win because they did not set out to win in the first place. Since winning is not important, why would ‘winning’ goes to them? Every game Donald Trumph played in, he play to win and most importantly He won. Maybe I could give you another simpler illustration. Take for example; you have a very beautiful girlfriend that everyone wants to go after but she chose you over other suitors. IF, what you are telling your girlfriend every day is ‘you are not important’, what’s important is the process of courtship. I think sooner or later, your girlfriend would leave you eventually. This goes the same with anything you want in life, be it money, people, friends, good grades and etc. You will never get it because it is NOT important, that’s why you subconsciously ‘avoiding’ it or rather ‘rejecting’ it.
“Your aptitude determines your altitude”
If your mindset is right, even God can’t stop you from winning or achieving your true desire.
Most importantly, BE HONEST with yourself. If you truly desire to win, then WIN. Don’t need to care about the noise around you.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Video of the Month August '11
1. Video by Celine
2. Video by Legacy All Star Team and tagged by Fairul
3. Video by Karen and tagged by Fairul
4. Video by Gary
5. Video by Nellie and tagged by Ochi
6. Video by Celine
7. Video by Valerie and tagged by Celine
8. Video by Gary
8 videos entry for XWonder 5th year anniversary. We always get more entries on special occasions.
Ok, and so the winner of the VoM August'11 goes to.......
The video by Gary on his video of hands to hands pop to liberty.
Once again I would like to thank Wildcards for inviting Kentucky cheerleaders down, each time they come to Singapore, everyone gets to learn new things, and this effect will trickle down a long way and translate to improved standards in SG cheer. This video by Gary showed us what we never thought of ever trying before, and that it can actually be acomplished by our very own cheerleader from Singapore too. It gives a this renewed belief in our own capabilities. This video won VoM this month for not just being another video, but something that brings about faith and the light in the tunnel for SG Cheer.
Also for this month, it is XWonder's 5th Anniversary, we decided to throw in a little extra for the winner. Gary you won yourselves $50 and a 5Lbs protein powder.
Thank you everyone for the continued support for XWonder as we celebrate our 5th year.
Blog Post of the Month August '11
1. Blogged by Ken
2. Blogged by Alpha Verve and tagged by Biyi
3. Blogged by TP Blazers and tagged by Ken
As there were no entry for BPoM July, therefore the prize was rolled over to BPoM August. Further to that, to match the VoM prize of $100 for Kentucky Special VoM, another $100 was added to the prize for BPoM August. Therefore this month, the grand total prize the winner of BPoM August'11 will win is $200.
Lets not delay anymore and announce the winner for BPoM August'11, and it goes to the post by Ken,"Cheerleading in Singapore". Congratulations Ken for the post, you have won yourself the total prize of $200.
Ken's Blog Post: Cheerleading in Singapore
Comments by Chaang:
"Ken touched on some controversial topics in his entry but was still able to give an unbiased point of view, which I felt was important.
''Aside from the 5 points Ken has touched on cheerleading that is instrumental for us to keep developing this Sport
Ken has mentioned about critics trying to play down the efforts of those who are proactive in contributing to the local cheerleading scene, which I agree. Such critics add zero value and is not constructive at all! Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his book ''Rich Dad, Poor Dad'' of the essence of ''give, and you shall receive''. Don't take my word for it. If you do your homework, you will realise it is those who have been proactively giving to our cheerleading industry that are the ones benefiting in one way or another.
'Old school 'cheerleading mentality has to go. If you build your goals based on hatred, everything you plan will eventually backfire. If you purposely hold back information to your cheerleaders for the fear of your own inadequacy, your actions will eventually be the downfall of your team. Do you really think you can deny the influence of social media?
Instead of being resistant to changes, we must learn to use changes to our advantage. At least for cheerleading, help is available everywhere. If you have financial difficulties, VOM and BPOM are two readily available sources with no bonds attached - all you need to do is blog/video' . If you need advice on how to coach a certain stunt, there is a fb forum for Singapore cheerleaders to interact. If you want to learn advanced partner stunting but feel that you are being held back for whatever reason, Gary has set up a dedicated partner stunting session which includes almost all cheerleaders in Singapore - once a week. Gymnastics lessons for all cheerleaders are also available at Jurong Safra gym at $15/session - where i see cheerleaders from at least 3 different teams present. Help is always available. So either you grab the hand that is stretched out for you, or you learn to swim on your own (assuming you do not drown in the process). And if you really have to drown, pls do not bring your friends with you.
I apologise for this somewhat harsh tone (this was supposed to be a BPOM prize award comment) but i think it is important to build on the points Ken has pointed out. For the benefit of the entire cheerleading industry, we need to up our game. To up our game, cheerleaders must be given proper cheer education. To receive proper cheer education, we must accept changes and learn to let go of the ''old-school'' cheerleading mentality that is hindering our process.
To end my long commentary, I would like to present you with a case study to summarise all the points that i just covered:
''Imagine that you are a new P plate driver. It is your first time on the road. Being new and inexperienced, you got into an accident and got someone killed because you were not fast enough to react. Yes someone got killed because YOUR CAR knocked that person down. Being inexperienced and new is YOUR problem. That guy got killed by YOU anyway.
Painful? This is reality. Not everybody will get a second chance if you take too long to ''learn how to swim''.
Congratulations once again to Ken. Give and you shall receive.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sorry for the delay for August BPoM and VoM
There will be great prizes awaiting for August and also fantastic announcements for a new promotion for future VoM and BPoM.
So give me a little more time and stay tuned.