Sunday, July 31, 2011
BPoM 2nd entry for August'11
It was definitely not an easy thing for one to travelled half the world and to pick up cheerleading in such a short time and to make such an impact to the team.
Just short excerpt from the post of hope much Alpha Verve appreciate Ben,
"Hence, on behalf of the whole team, I wish Ben all the best and hope you had an enjoyable stay in Singapore, NUS and Alpha Verve. Once you are an Alpha, you will always be an Alpha! Lets keep in touch, and when there's a chance, do visit or we will visit! =)"
I always feel that it does not matter where you come from, but as long as you have a heart for cheerleading, you can always find friends wherever you go.
Check out the post by Alpha Verve and tagged by Biyi: 2nd BPoM August entry or here
Friday, July 29, 2011
Xuewei's Birthday - 29th July

I would also like take this opportunity to wish happy birthday to another 2 of my fellow cheerleaders, who had their birthday on the same day as Xuewei's. 29th July proves to be a really special day for SG cheer as well.
Happy Birthday Weicheng.

One of my first few base partners (Toe Touch 221 back in the days. haha). I think OWC may often be misunderstood, but his dedicated efforts and results produced in my alma-matar team ACES is not to be denied and not easy to emulate. And now also his contributions and networking for SG cheer as the president of FCS, and also his part in the forming of Team Lions are also to be respected and supported. It is not easy to be in his shoes most times, but he had consistently been able to think of the big picture. Also not to mentioned the influence he must have made on his brother Weihan as he was growing up to becoming one of the best base around currently. A big happy birthday to you again and all the best to you (in trading and business) and also for SG cheer.
Next up, Happy Birthday Jasmine.

A flyer that when I met her for the first time in back in TP; I knew was going to bring SG cheer to the next level. A cheerleader who knows exactly what she wants to achieve and sets out to achieve them. A well seasoned and polished flyer now, Jasmine had achieved what no one else had done so far in SG cheer, that is to be a champion in all 3 categories, Nationals Partner Stunt champion, Group Stunt champion and Team champion! You still have so much in you to contribute to SG cheer and bring it to new heights. I wish you a blessed birthday and good health for you and your family. SG cheer still have so much to see from you.
Also a little past information about Xuewei and her contributions during her active days as a player can be found here
29th July provided SG cheer with 3 amazing personalities, whom had brought so much value to SG cheer; pushing the limits as players, coaches and also in management. Happy Birthday Weicheng, Xuewei and Jasmine.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Prize Presentation for VoM Kentucky Special Winner
BPoM 1st entry for August'11
I agree with almost every information given out of the 5 points and I would like to add on 1 more myself, which I feel with it makes the 5 easier, and that is - PASSION. Passion for cheerleading is a funny thing, sometimes it can come and go, especially if you are in it for such a long time like me. No doubts there are times when you felt you have lost your passion, but then you find it back again. Believe me, if you have passion, you will go far.
Another topic which Ken touched on is harmony or cooporation in cheerleading in Singapore. This might be a quite sensitive topic to touch on, but Ken, ignoring what others might think of him, gave his honest opinion of it all which I felt deserved a round of applause. There will always be haters, and sometimes when you know you have some critics, that is also when you know you are on the path to success. This may sound cliche by now, but non of the world's greatest personalities achieved it without some haters or critics along the way. Serve others and do what is right by you and that is all there is to life; there is no point dwelling on what others might think of you, because end of the day you can never please everyone. Anyway if everyone in the whole world only knows how to agree, then there is no fun at all.
"Everyday morning I woke up, after bathing, when I walk into my room. I shout ‘I LOVE MYSELF’ at least ten times with extreme happiness. People might say ‘Haha, so stupid.’ Then I would tell you, if doing stupid things can make me successful, then I would do it." - Ken
Check out the post by Ken: 1st BPoM August entry or here
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
BPoM June'11 Prize Presentation

Prize presentation at the Kentucky Expert Workshop held last weekend
Prize Presentation for VoM June'11 Winner
5th entry for August'11 VoM
4th entry for August'11 VoM
3rd entry for August'11 VoM
2nd entry for August'11 VoM
1st entry for August'11 VoM
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Principles to SUCCESS in LIFE (Cheerleading)
Principles to SUCCESS in LIFE (Cheerleading)
I’ve been reading books on how to be successful, and I realized that many authors couldn’t help but reiterate a few crucial key points which would ultimately leading us to be successful. Be it in LIFE or in CHEERLEADING. I hope to use this chance to share this few principles and further help to nurture more talents for Singapore cheerleading industry.
1.) Decision
Everything starts with the DECISION to be SUCCESSFUL.
Everything starts with the DECISION to EXCEL.
Everything starts with the DECISION to SUCCEED.
So make the decision today to SUCCEED, to EXCEL and be VERY SUCCESSFUL.
If you are still pondering on whether you want to go with this decision, I would suggest you stop reading.

2.) Environment
Like I’ve always personally said ‘You can never soar like an eagle if you mix around the turkey’. Your environment determines the kind of person you are. Birds of the same feather flock together. You need to decide today whether you want to be around extremely motivated, positive and empowering people. It is through the helps of these people that you will grow stronger and better each day. Making promises to each other and making sure that these promises held responsible. If you are not among the best yet, today you need to make that personal decision.

3.) Be very ambitious
Being ambitious is having a dream so big that it seems almost impossible to achieve yet, it keeps you moving because that is what you want to achieve at the end of your cheerleading career. We all know about setting goals, aim for an A often we end up with a B. Since we will end up somewhere a class lower, might as well aim VERY HIGH that even if we land at a class lower, we will be at a relatively higher position.

4.) Discipline
You must have a very strong code of conduct which you have upon yourself which restrict yourself from swaying away from the goal you set. Set very STRCT rules to guide you and request helps from your mentor/close friends to hold you accountable for the mistakes you make and/or actions which doesn’t align with the COC.

5.) Willingness to serve
Last but not least, you must have the willingness to be always ready to serve and not to be SERVED. For example: arriving training earlier to piece mats, set up sound system and keep more mats after training. On top of that, if were given a chance, you should practice sharing of knowledge and skills with a humble attitude. Ie. There’s no wrong technique only which is better. You can only recommend but you can’t force it down people’s throat. Let people reserve the right to freedom of choice

6.) The power of Sub-conscious Mind
90% of the time our actions are controlled by our sub-conscious mind. So, you should start pasting photos, words, picture, goals and etc on your walls to constantly put your sub-conscious mind exposed to these dreams of yours. It may take a while but it will definitely be engraved into your sub-conscious mind. Pasting these ‘dream’ on your walls also serve as a constant reminder to not lose sight of them.

I may not be the best person to relay all these information, but I thought this could really help the cheerleaders out there. Help some find back their dreams. Help some who couldn’t decide whether to continue this journey. Help some wondering souls to set the direction back in line. Most importantly, is to grow cheerleading in Singapore.

Thursday, July 14, 2011
VoM Kentucky Special
As all Sg cheerleaders know that a group of Kentucky cheerleaders are in Singapore conducting a workshop over this weekend (if you do not know, then how can you call yourself a Singapore cheerleader? haha, just kidding).
Anyway I really wanted to support the Kentucky Workshop by attending all 3 days, but time is really not on my side this weekend (paiseh ah Chaang and Ochi who keeps bugging me, haha), so I was thinking how can I support in another way, and this idea just pop into my head and I am just going to go ahead with it anyway regardless it being a little late (but they say better late than never right?).
Now for the gist of this post, the VoM Kentucky Special - Post a video of you and your partner, whoever it is, just a base and flyer doing partner stunting and the best partner stunt sequence wins a sponsored Kentucky Expert workshop on Friday by me! Yes you are right, the winning partner, both the base and the flyer gets to go for the Expert Workshop on Friday free, worth a total of $100 (transport to ITE Simei not included though. lol). This time round I am just looking at the stunt sequence itself, no need to add music or video effects at all, just a raw video will do, it can even be a old video which you never posted before.
So though this is pretty last min, post your videos and tag me in it to stand a chance to win free passes to this amazing workshop by the Kentucky Cheerleaders all the way from USA. If you already intend to go and had paid, take it as a refund from me; I will pass both of you $100. If you have not decided to go yet, or are facing financial difficulties, this is your chance.
C'mon man, it is the KENTUCKY CHEERLEADERS we are talking about here; the ones that wow us on youtube videos with sick stunts, now here live in Singapore. You should go even if you are a noob or just started cheer, or rather the more you should go if you are new to cheer becos that's when your mind is totally new and can absorb information like a sponge and also be inspired. Don't worry that your abilities are not up to par yet or whatsoever (that's why the more reason you should go anyway). As a cheerleader, I would not miss the chance to get to stunt with them in person, especially if I had not seen them before (2 years ago). And trust me on this, after I attended their workshop 2 years ago, just seeing them in person is worth every single cent (but of course this time round I am paying for you to attend if you win).
Now wait no more, start posting your videos. Dateline to this is Friday, 15 July, 12pm. And I will announce the winning video on FB. I will be attending the Expert workshop myself and present the prize there and then itself.
P.S: I really want to give this prize out no matter what, so please post your best partner stunt videos.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Video of the Month July '11
1. Video by Weihan
2. Video by Rexaz Cheerleading and tagged by Ochi
3. Video by Yod and tagged by Ochi
4. Video by Yod and tagged by Ochi
5. Video by Fairul and tagged by Jay
5 great videos this month. We have videos of new breakthrough in stunting, a couple of videos on Nationals, 2 video of recent training camps including 1 by a recently renewed team.
Alright without further a do, the winner of the VoM July'11 goes to.......
The video by Fairul and tagged by Jay on Grizzlers Training Camp.
Fantastic videos from everyone this month and why did I picked this video? Basically it has originality, showed the spirit of cheerleading, it uses current clips and last but not least I feel that every new team deserves encouragement and publicity. It is not easy to start a new cheerleading team in Singapore and even harder to maintain it, so I hope a little encouragement can go a long way. Jiayou Grizzlers, really really hope to see you guys take the cheer scene by storm.
Fairul and Jay you won yourselves $50.
Every one pls continue to support VoM. =)
Blog Post of the Month July '11
Let's get those entries in and stand to win $100 next month!!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
2nd Prize Presentation for VoM April'11 Winner
5th entry for July'11 VoM
4th entry for July'11 VoM
"Ready Ok? 1 - 2 down Steppers"
3rd entry for July'11 VoM
"In the life of every champion, there comes a moment of truth"